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Startup-Profile of the month December 2020:
HoloMetrix GmbH

Basic overview

Name of your company: HoloMetrix
Year of founding: 2020
Company headquarter: Erzhausen
Current CEO: Alexander Pfaff
Did you receive any funding yet? If yes, from whom? (e.g. Business-Angels, Federal Grant (EXIST-Gründerstipendium, EXIST-Forschungstransfer), Venture Capital, Family office, etc.) HessenIdeen-Stipendium

Exist Gründerstipendium

StartUp Booster (Wiesbaden)

Angel investment

Family and Friends

How big was the investment? Total: ~200.000€
How big is your team? How many employees are working in your company? 3
Businessmodel (e.g. freemium, subscription, service-based, etc.) licensing of AR Software & engineering service

Lets go deeper

What are you doing?

We are simplifying technical acoustic measurements using augmented reality

Why are you a science-tech Startup/Company? 

The origin of the start-up project can be traced back to a brainstorming session in June 2017 at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. A topic for the bachelor thesis of Mr. Morschel was being looked for. The idea arose to display acoustic fields in augmented reality (AR) glasses – specifically with Microsoft HoloLens. While working on his bachelor thesis, Mr. Morschel recognized the potential of simplifying the complete measurement process using AR glasses. This was the cornerstone for our founding project. Furthermore, the developed measuring methods are the content of a European patent.

What problem have you identified with your research? 

When measuring sound (noise), the measuring microphones often have to be placed in a complex manner in relation to the object to be measured. When determining the sound power, which is mandatory for many machines in the EU (e.g. refrigerator, washing machine, leaf blower or garbage truck), this turns out to be particularly demanding and tedious. It is not uncommon for the alignment to take longer than the actual measurement. Conventionally, elaborate auxiliary constructions (e.g. string and frame constructions) are set up in order to find the measuring positions. Our innovative solution makes conventional auxiliary structures superfluous. The measurement positions are virtually specified in the real environment and displayed using augmented reality glasses. The measurement microphones can then be aligned quickly and easily at these virtual measurement points. If the positioning is correct, the measuring process can start automatically.

What solution do you offer?

Our innovative solution reduces the duration of the entire measurement including setup, recording, dismantling and evaluation of the results. With an average time saving of approx. 10 hours per measurement, this results in an average savings potential of € 48,700 per year. Thanks to the virtual representation of the experimental setup, the measurement can be carried out intuitively and precisely, even by a single technician. Additionally, measurement errors are avoided in practice, which increases the quality of the measurement quality.

(c) HoloMetrix GmbH

If possible, please describe your technology you use to solve your specific problem!

Augmented Reality offers the innovative approach to positioning and probe guidance no longer with physical auxiliary structures, but with virtual test setups that are only visible to the operator. This increases both the quality of the results and the efficiency of the measurement.

What is your product that you sell?

Our AR solution enables an innovative approach to microphone positioning through the use of the latest AR technology. This has the following advantages:

  • Ideal for mobile use, as no bulky auxiliary structure is required
  • Positions are freely adjustable through the virtualization of the measurement setup
  • Thanks to the interactive and at the same time intuitive augmented reality environment, even untrained personnel can carry out measurements
  • Thanks to our interface, previously set microphone positions are displayed immediately
  • The interpretation of results is simplified by displaying the measurement results directly on the real measurement object
  • Increase in the quality of the results by specifying the measurement positions down to the centimeter
  • Relatively low investment, as no specialized components are required

Conventional complicated measurement setups are made superfluous!

Which market do you want to address with your product?

Our target customers for the AR bundle (Glasses + Software) are companies or institutions that deal with the subject of technical acoustics. Technical acoustics are used in many different industries, starting, for example, with manufacturers of household appliances, through to specialized test bench mechanical engineering companies. In the supplier industry many manufacturers have to extensively examine their components acoustically. Increased demand has led to more and more technical acoustics being taught in Universities.

Because of this, it is not easy to group our customers according to their industry. However, a grouping according to sector is more suitable. Our customers can be divided into three categories.

  • Manufacturing
  • Technical services
  • Research and educational institutions

What are the next steps of your startup?

Our next and decisive step is to place our MVP on the market. Furthermore, HoloMetrix GmbH has the vision: “To make complex technical tasks easier in everyday work”. Based on this vision, we have enough approaches as to how we can simplify acoustic measurements. Furthermore, we plan on expanding to other industries where similar measurement setup simplifications are possible.

What do you and your startup need?

We currently need:

– Developer

– Financing (~ 150,000 €)

– Contacts to the acoustics departments of OEMs

